Keynote Plenary

Assessing the impact of recent workplace law reforms (Secure Jobs Better Pay Act 2022 & Closing Loopholes Acts 2023 & 2024) 

Fri 8 November 2024, Novotel Geelong

ALLA is pleased to announce the 2024 National Conference will open with the Keynote Plenary: Assessing the impact of recent workplace law reforms (Secure Jobs Better Pay Act 2022 & Closing Loopholes Acts 2023 & 2024) featuring The Hon Justice Adam Hatcher, President of the Fair Work Commission; and Anna Booth, Fair Work Ombudsman. This session will be chaired by ALLA President, Distinguished Professor Anthony Forsyth, RMIT University.

The Hon. Justice Adam Hatcher

The Hon. Justice Adam Hatcher

President, Fair Work COmmission

The Hon Justice Hatcher was appointed President of the Fair Work Commission from 19 February 2023. He was Vice President from 2013.

Justice Hatcher was admitted to the bar in 1997 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2010. Prior to that, Justice Hatcher was Chief Legal Advisor with the NSW Branch of the Transport Workers’ Union.

Anna Booth

Anna Booth

Fair Work Ombudsman

Anna Booth was appointed to the position of Fair Work Ombudsman for a 5-year term from 1 September 2023.

Anna was most recently Director of CoSolve Pty Ltd, returning to the role after serving as a Deputy President of the Fair Work Commission for 8 years. Anna spent much of her early career in the union movement. She was the National Secretary of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia and a Vice President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

Plenary Panel

The advancement of gender equality in Australia and reflections on recent reforms

Saturday 9 November 2024, Novotel Geelong

Day two of 2024 National Conference will commence with the Plenary Panel: The advancement of gender equality in Australia and reflections on recent reforms. The panel will be chaired by Dr Amanda Selvarajah, Monash University and feature Dr Anna Cody, Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner; Dr Niki Vincent, Victorian Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner; and Professor Rae Cooper AO, Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations, University of Sydney and founding Director of the Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion at Work).

Dr Anna Cody

Dr Anna Cody

Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner

Dr Anna Cody started as Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner in September 2023. Before her appointment as Commissioner, Dr Cody was the Chair of Community Legal Centres Australia and a Director of the NSW Legal Aid Commission Board and Advisory committee of Law Access.

Dr Niki Vincent

Dr Niki Vincent

Victorian Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner

Dr Niki Vincent commenced as Victoria’s first Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner in 2020. Prior to her appointment as Commissioner, Dr Vincent served as the South Australian Commissioner for Equal Opportunity from 2016–2020.

Professor Rae Cooper AO

Professor Rae Cooper AO

Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations, University of Sydney

Professor Rae Cooper AO is Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations at the University of Sydney and founding Director of the Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion at Work. Rae is President of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA).

The ALLA is grateful for the generous support of our conference sponsors: Workplace Express, and The Federation Press, and for the support received from Business Events Victoria and the Melbourne Convention Bureau.