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Closing Loopholes – The reforms to defining employees and casuals in the Fair Work Act
This webinar featured authors of two forthcoming articles in a Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Labour Law examining the substance of the ‘Loopholes’ that were purportedly closed by the Albanese Government led changes to the FW Act. Defining employment –...
Engaging young workers: Union organising, campaigns and strategies
While ABS data continue to show declining trade union membership in Australia, the situation regarding young workers is quite dire: in 2022, only 25 of those aged 15-19 were union members, and only 5% of 20–24 year olds. Attracting young people is therefore vital to...
Better pay, more bargaining? Assessing Labor’s Reforms
Since being elected in 2022, the Albanese Government has made significant changes to the enterprise bargaining system under the Fair Work Act 2009, with the stated intention of reversing a decade-long decline in agreement-making and boosting pay outcomes for workers....
Exploring Australia’s new right to disconnect: Taking charge of what you can leave behind
Australia's new right to disconnect is poised to reshape work dynamics in our constantly connected society. Dr Gabrielle Golding will leverage her scholarly expertise to scrutinise the right from an Australian perspective, juxtaposing it with similar rights in...
The changing climate of Australian employment law
Climate change poses fundamental challenges to Australian employment law, with increasingly extreme weather events disrupting workplaces across the country. Drawing on climate change adaptation literature, our speakers examine the role of employment law in minimising...